Welcome to our blog, we post weekly (Try to) to keep you updated with New Ethos Nottingham. Stay tuned for topics including Homelessness, lifestyle, supported living, budgeting, and cooking tips.
"The Power of Mindfulness: How to Incorporate Mindful Practices into Your Daily Routine"
The Social Housing Crisis in Nottingham and the UK
6 Key Steps for Ex-Offenders Reentering Society in Nottingham
"New Ethos Nottingham: Providing a Fresh Start for Ex-Offenders in Nottingham"
5 steps to a Clean Bedroom
New Ethos Nottingham's 6 Steps to a Clean and Fresh Smelling Abode for The Feel-Good Factor
Why is washing up important? 8 steps to cleaning a communal kitchen.
Why choose semi-independent living
What is Keyworking and how does it help our service users at New Ethos House?
Some finger lickin good news for you!
It's Official; we accepted our £9800 Cheque.
The impact of homelessness and the black community in Nottingham
Celebrating International Women’s Day 2023: Trailblazers in Nottingham, UK Making a Difference
Sandra House Update: New Sign and Exciting Progression!
An Introduction to the Move-in Process at New Ethos House
Life at Nen: Helping Ex-Offenders Rebuild Their Lives
Life at NEN: How Supported Temporary Accommodation is Helping Male Ex-Offenders
FCUK Donates Toiletries to New Ethos Nottingham
New Ethos Nottingham Receives a £500 Award from the Lidl Community Fund
Did we tell you.....The National Lottery is funding our project.